
Does NPS become a sole devise to know how a store is performing? If not, what else?

Does NPS become a sole devise to know how a store is performing?  If not, what else? Customer service is the soul of a business ! ‘Customer’ is that one word that’s rooted in the mind of each and every person in an organization, right from the top to the bottom strata. And, when it comes to customer satisfaction, you need to go extra miles to understand the needs of your customers and serve them in the best possible way. Don’t forget, word-of-mouth, is still the most influential tool. If your customers like your product and services, they will definitely spread the word. If not, then it can be dangerous for your brand. Fathoming customer experience As far as measuring customer experience is concerned, the role of NPS or Net Promoter Score cannot be denied. It is, in fact, one of the most important customer experience tools, which is being used by a majority of brands or companies all over the world to understand and improve the level of customer experience being that’s...

How Mystery Audits Can Help You Bridge the Service Gaps Effectively?

Bridging gap in service industry Who doesn’t want customers making repetitive purchases and thereby increasing their brands’ revenues? Well, a loyal customer-base is what every business, brand or company wants. And, in order to get there, companies bring into play 5 major service quality (Servqual – dimensions) on the basis of which most of the customers determine the quality of services offered to them. Let’s take a quick look at what those service quality dimensions are all about –   Assurance – Are your employees courteous and knowledgeable? Are they skilled enough to convey trust and instill confidence about your brand in your customers? Remember, a customer gets to interact with your employees in the first place. And, if the former is not comfortable with the latter, recurring purchases might not take place.   Tangibility - Services are very much tangible and most customers get their perception on the quality of services provided by you by comparing th...

Why do you need a physical check? Although it’s a digital era with lot of data around.

Why physical check is needed in the world of digitalization? With the advent and incessant evolution of internet, accessibility to various forms of data has increased like never before. Most importantly, it’s not that one can access the data just superficially. Data that are available can be accessed at an intense level. In simple words, the shift of ‘accessibility to data’ from ‘limited’ to ‘overabundant’ has radically changed and impacted the way we work. A reality check will always make sense Although there is an ocean of open source customer data waiting for you and artificial intelligence software like IBM Watson to boost retail performance, physical checks are still important and haven’t lost its sheen even in the digital era. As far as physical checks are concerned, especially when it comes to customers and their experiences, to get more objective feedback tailored to your needs, mystery shopping services designed by HS Brands is your best resort. After all, humans ...

Walk-in Customer Insights vs. Mystery Customer Insights – Which One Brings More Competitive Edge

Mystery Shopper Insights Vs Customer Insights Are you a brand trying hard to fathom out how good you’re doing? In order to comprehend it, you have to understand what your customers think about you in the first place. Yes, understanding how your ‘Customers’ see your business is more important than how ‘You’ see your business.  Once you get to see through the ‘eyes’ of your ‘customers’, mystery customers, to be precise, you can translate those insights into developing solid business ideas and grip in the market, thus attracting profitable growth.  As far as customer insights are concerned, there are a number of ways you can collect them, like, feedback machines and forms at point of sales, FGD (Focus Group Discussion) and exit interviews. However, are these effective all the time? This is why, banking upon mystery shopping makes a lot of sense here. Let’s take an example -  When a customer visits a restaurant, he or she is more likely to judge the serv...

How Customer Experience is influenced by Varied Stakeholders of Buying Decisions?

Stake holders of Business What is the main goal of marketers? It’s to reach out their target customers at the moments that generally and mostly influence their buying decisions. Therefore, majority of television ads these days target women and kids. The idea is to capture their minds so as to influence their brand(s) and product(s) preferences. Understand ‘Who buys what?’ As far as the main influencing factor of buying decisions is concerned, one cannot deny the role of family members. Different members of the same family might have different thought processes and buying tendencies. And, that generally depends on their gender, age, requirements, income levels, willingness to buy, geographical location, living standards, changing preferences, joint or nuclear family, etc. As a marketer, you need to understand the mindsets of stakeholders of buying decision (who buys what) in the first place and then tailor and offer customer experience, accordingly.  In a family, you ca...

How Mystery Shopping Protects Both Process and People in a Business?

Process and People of Business What makes a business successful? Whether it’s process or people? Actually, both are important as both are interdependent. Read on to understand the connection between process and people and how can you protect both using mystery shopping solutions. Picture this – there are two businesses, A & B. A is a consistent performer, whereas B is an occasional one. Can you figure out what’s different between these two? The main difference between A and B is well-defined, well-executed and constantly upgraded ‘Business Processes’. How can you define process? It can be described as a set of pre-defined tasks or duties that are needed to be performed in a given business setup. It includes the people who are responsible for doing a certain task at a definite time and stage and how they do the same. Simply put, it is the way in which a business runs systematically and its importance cannot be overlooked in any case. So, what benefits do busi...

What are the possible loses controlled through Mystery shopping ?

Mystery Shopping in Retail store What are the possible loses controlled through Mystery shopping? In order to find out where your brand is lacking, you have to find out what your competitor(s) is having. How can you do that? You cannot steal into their business strategies, after all. Jokes apart! Why steal, when you can shop, ‘Mystery Shop’ and experience them real-time? You spend X and get 3X in return – A profitable deal indeed! Many business owners don’t consider mystery shopping at all as they think it would be expensive. They fail to understand that a properly executed mystery shopping program pays out for itself by providing good ROI (Return on Investments). If spending an X amount on something helps you get 3X in return, you should not let such offers go. Moreover, mystery shopping also helps you keep a check on the possible losses your business might come across. Take a look - Manpower loss – Employee theft, improper stock keeping, under counting ...